mak dia byk psn memesan kan..smp 1day, t'pk, mmpu ke nk ingt smua yg mak kt psan..ikut segala psanan..huhuhu.. -_-"
klw myapu, mama n abah kata jgn buang dpn muka pntu..xelok mata owg yg dtg btandang memandang..
klw wat keje, mama n abah kata ikhlas kan hati..bru keje menjadi..
klw masak, mama n abah kata baca bismillah n selawat,pas2 tgh masak jgn marah2..ingat dlm hati kta masak utk owg yg kta syg..bru mjadi n sedap masakan kta 2..
klw kupas bawang, mama n abah kata jgn tmenung..nnt bawang 2 cpt busuk, mknan cpt basi..
klw basuh baju,mama n abah kata kirai baju 2 satu2..supaya mesin xcpat rosak..
klw bsuh tangan, mama n abah kata jgn bukak air kuat2..basah baju..
klw mkn, mama n abah kata jgn gelojoh..nnt tsedak..nnt sembelit..
klw mnum air,mama n abah kata 1 hari kna mnum air byk2..supaya chat..
klw lipat kain, mama n abah kata jgn lipat tbalik..nnt suami xsyg..
klw tgok tv, mama n abah kata jgn dok mengangkang..xsopan..
klw ada tetamu, mama n abah kata layan dgn elok,xkire siapa dia..
klw mnd,mama n abah kata jgn lama2..nnt paru2 kembang,blh jd paru2 berair..
klw dok dpn laptop, mama n abah kata jgn dok dkt2..nnt mata rosak..sma jgk tgok tv or bce buku..mama kata kna bukak lampu..jgn bgelap..
klw nk tdo, mama n abah kata bsuh kaki,bce al-fatihah n ayat kursi,bru xde mmpi buruk..
klw nk mkn, mama n abah kata jgn baring or mniarap..nnt mknn ssh nk hadam..
klw nk pkai baju, mama n abah kata ttup aurat..
klw nk g jenjalan, mama n abah kata jgn wat jahat..
klw lps smyg magrib, mama n abah kata mengaji lah..even setengah muka..
klw bkawan, mama n abah kata bpada2..
klw bmusuh, mama n abah kata xbaik,maafkan je la even trasa ssh sgt..
klw kta syg sseorg, mama n abah kata jgn mlampau sgt..tkut nnt kcewa..
klw tgh kcewa, mama n abah kata byk2 la bdoa..
klw bckap ngn owg, mama n abah kata biarlah bersopan..
klw bgaduh adik2 beradik, mama n abah kata inilah apa yg awk ada utk bgantung harap ble mama n abah xde..
klw mama n abah ckp, mama n abah kata jgn mlawan,even xpuas hati cm ne pn..klw btul nk ckp,elok2..bmbg nnt kt dpt dosa n dcop derhaka..dosa bsar 2..
klw.........mama n abah akn kata...........
byk kan pesan, klw kt muhasabah diri blik..byk mn yg kt ikut pesanan 2??sdg kan smua 2 mama pesan utk kbaikan kt..kta laksanakan x??stiap gerak geri kta d dunia n, mama dan abah la yg mengacu jauh mn kta bsyukur??byk mn kt mngucapkan trima kasih??mmpu kah kt, skrg n, mdabik dada, dan bkata,"oowh..aku seowg ank yg baik..semua jasa mak ayah aku dh bls..abis hutang"??emm..sya xingat sape yg ckp, tp sya pnh dgr, klw kt rse kt dh bls semua jasa ibu bapa kt, sbnr ny kt dh tclap..mlh dgn bperasaan bgitu je, sbnr ny kt blh dkatakan seowg anak derhaka..
*sya??nape sya ckp cm n hr n??
emm..sbnr ny jjur sya kate kan..sya rse bslh sbnr ny..sya trasa jhat teramat..
cm n cter ny..abah sya nk g mmancing..n dia mntk tlg sya sdiakan bekalan..abah mntk msakkan nasi,telur dadar, n sambal sardin..alhamdulillah,sya mmpu nk wat..pas2 kbtulan utk kat umh, sya masak cendawan goreng..pas2 dgn rajin yg tlbey ny,sya msukkan sx cendawan 2..
tp sdey ny..ble abah blik,abh kate nasi 2 smua basi sbb cendawan goreng..abah mbebel gak r ckit..sya terasa ckit mse 2..pas 2 ntah cm ne,tkeluar 1ayt dr mulut sya yg sya rse mnyesal sgt.."ish..owg dh wat kan,xpnh ckp tmer ksh pn..mbebel lak" adusy..mse 2 sya xsdar pn cm ne sya ley kwa cm 2 sx..even cme sya sowg je yg dgr ayt sya 2, tp sya still rse bslh sgt2..
abah,along mntk maaf..
insaf lah..tllu byk jasa mereka..sdarlah sya..pas n..ingt apa yg mama n abah pesan..panduan 2..
everything happen in this world is about life..any story,any incident,excident..everything..~~~
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
d craviest thing i ever done..
pcaya atw tidak, i've done it..
utk ptama kali ny sy mberani kan diri 2 do meredah sesuatu tmpt tnpa knal tmpt 2..yg sy taw matlamat sy ke sna..utk bjumpa dia..byk yg sya nk katakan, tp lidah ku kelu..
nawaitu ku hanya utk mperbtulkan keadaan..seandainy di ntr kami berakhir, sya nk berakhir dgn baik..lgpn sya wat kputusan utk g ke sna sbb sya xdpt nk bncg elok2 ngn dia..sya xbharap pn utk kmbali mcm dulu..sbb sya taw 2 amat impossible utk blaku stlh sya mlakukan kslhn yg bsar dlm hup sya..sya taw dia xley trma..even klw sya kat tmpat dia pn,blm tntu sya dpt trma..
iewa n nik swuh sya wat istikharah..hmpir sbln sya d rmh n,istikharah sya hny utk dia..mohon dberi jwpn..perlukah sya menanti, sdg kan saat itu sya rasakan dia membenci sya..lame sya nantikan jwpn ny..iewa kte sabar..sbb xsmestiny kt akan trus dpt jwpn ny..
sya menanti lagi..dlm mse yg sma, sya rse xtnang utk wat apa2 sya pndg,sya nmpk sya pgg, sya tringat kat dia..stiap apa yg sya lalui cme mengingatkan sya pd dia..sya khlangan hidup sya..mmg sya rse bhagia ble dpt bsma ngn fmily time2 cuti ada kekosongan yg sya rse..
iewa kte crilah cinta utk DIA tlbey dahulu sblm cnta utk mnusia..maafkan sya, sya xmmpu..sya dh tlanjur menghulur cnta yg tidak halal wat dirinya..hnya sya hrp cinta yg dh lhir utk dia akan tsmpan rapi dlm hti sya shgga 1 hari nnt sya blh mggil ny "suamiku"..akn tjdi kah??berserah sje lah..
bbalik pada cerita 20.12.09..sya xtaw nape tbe2 sya tgerak hati nk cter kat angah all about him and me..angah tkjut gak..mse 2 ktowg odw nk g kL..angah nk blik gmi n sya nk ntr nik blik klang stlh dia bcuti d umh dlm lbh krg semggu..slesai sya cter kat angah smbil dbantu oleh nik yg smmangny dh taw psl cter tsbut, sya ckp kat angah,"blh x klw kt sggh melaka jap?malim..along rse n je chance yg along ada"angah diam.."angah xtaw tmpt 2..awk taw ke??""X"alamak..dlm hti dh mule mresap persaan kcewa.."blh,tp jgn lme2 r..tkut 4 sure kt smp mlm n kat kL,xpe ke??"ayat itu ckup utk wash away the disappointment yg wujud dlm hti td..huuu..actually xsangka gak angah sggup nk g.."ngah,klw kt sesat,xyah ptah blk r..just trus ke kL..sesat means along xde rezeki jmp dia"
alamak..alamat dia ada save dlm d hilang coz hr 2 format sbb phona rosak..pross mcari alamat..6owg cbe dihubungi,4 bjaya dhubungi,2 xberangkat when i called..dr 4 owg, 2owg dpt bg alamat kat sya..alhamdulillah..tharu rse ny..trme ksh bg mereka yg tlbat..anda byk mbantu..kemudian cube tny jln pd kwn2 yg mnetap d melaka..anda jga byk mbantu..syukur sgt2..pjlnn kami dpmudahkan..xsesat lnsung..hnya bpandukan panduan yg dberi my fwen mlalui phone call and mcari rmh bpandukn alamat yg ada..skrip hafal spjg tmpoh 3jam pjlnn trus lupe..byk bnda nk ckp sbnrny, tp tkedu..
tp alhamdulillah..lps sme slesai,sya lega sgt2..n sya dpt rsekan yg hti sya tenang..xseperti sblm2 n..n skrg,tggl bpe hri je lg sya ada kat mlysia n,sya blh fokuskan utk misi sya utk holiday kali n..b4 n xbape nk mjd sbb hti xtnang..skrg, :)..
nik ada ckp,"sya,ko xrse sng ke kt mcrik umh dia?"
alhamdulillah..mmg sya akui,sgala nya dpmdhkan..idea yg tmbul scra spontan,tndkn yg mngikut grak hati..sgala2 ny lah..syukur..mgkin itu caranya Tuhan berikan jwpn pada sya..
utk ptama kali ny sy mberani kan diri 2 do meredah sesuatu tmpt tnpa knal tmpt 2..yg sy taw matlamat sy ke sna..utk bjumpa dia..byk yg sya nk katakan, tp lidah ku kelu..
nawaitu ku hanya utk mperbtulkan keadaan..seandainy di ntr kami berakhir, sya nk berakhir dgn baik..lgpn sya wat kputusan utk g ke sna sbb sya xdpt nk bncg elok2 ngn dia..sya xbharap pn utk kmbali mcm dulu..sbb sya taw 2 amat impossible utk blaku stlh sya mlakukan kslhn yg bsar dlm hup sya..sya taw dia xley trma..even klw sya kat tmpat dia pn,blm tntu sya dpt trma..
iewa n nik swuh sya wat istikharah..hmpir sbln sya d rmh n,istikharah sya hny utk dia..mohon dberi jwpn..perlukah sya menanti, sdg kan saat itu sya rasakan dia membenci sya..lame sya nantikan jwpn ny..iewa kte sabar..sbb xsmestiny kt akan trus dpt jwpn ny..
sya menanti lagi..dlm mse yg sma, sya rse xtnang utk wat apa2 sya pndg,sya nmpk sya pgg, sya tringat kat dia..stiap apa yg sya lalui cme mengingatkan sya pd dia..sya khlangan hidup sya..mmg sya rse bhagia ble dpt bsma ngn fmily time2 cuti ada kekosongan yg sya rse..
iewa kte crilah cinta utk DIA tlbey dahulu sblm cnta utk mnusia..maafkan sya, sya xmmpu..sya dh tlanjur menghulur cnta yg tidak halal wat dirinya..hnya sya hrp cinta yg dh lhir utk dia akan tsmpan rapi dlm hti sya shgga 1 hari nnt sya blh mggil ny "suamiku"..akn tjdi kah??berserah sje lah..
bbalik pada cerita 20.12.09..sya xtaw nape tbe2 sya tgerak hati nk cter kat angah all about him and me..angah tkjut gak..mse 2 ktowg odw nk g kL..angah nk blik gmi n sya nk ntr nik blik klang stlh dia bcuti d umh dlm lbh krg semggu..slesai sya cter kat angah smbil dbantu oleh nik yg smmangny dh taw psl cter tsbut, sya ckp kat angah,"blh x klw kt sggh melaka jap?malim..along rse n je chance yg along ada"angah diam.."angah xtaw tmpt 2..awk taw ke??""X"alamak..dlm hti dh mule mresap persaan kcewa.."blh,tp jgn lme2 r..tkut 4 sure kt smp mlm n kat kL,xpe ke??"ayat itu ckup utk wash away the disappointment yg wujud dlm hti td..huuu..actually xsangka gak angah sggup nk g.."ngah,klw kt sesat,xyah ptah blk r..just trus ke kL..sesat means along xde rezeki jmp dia"
alamak..alamat dia ada save dlm d hilang coz hr 2 format sbb phona rosak..pross mcari alamat..6owg cbe dihubungi,4 bjaya dhubungi,2 xberangkat when i called..dr 4 owg, 2owg dpt bg alamat kat sya..alhamdulillah..tharu rse ny..trme ksh bg mereka yg tlbat..anda byk mbantu..kemudian cube tny jln pd kwn2 yg mnetap d melaka..anda jga byk mbantu..syukur sgt2..pjlnn kami dpmudahkan..xsesat lnsung..hnya bpandukan panduan yg dberi my fwen mlalui phone call and mcari rmh bpandukn alamat yg ada..skrip hafal spjg tmpoh 3jam pjlnn trus lupe..byk bnda nk ckp sbnrny, tp tkedu..
tp alhamdulillah..lps sme slesai,sya lega sgt2..n sya dpt rsekan yg hti sya tenang..xseperti sblm2 n..n skrg,tggl bpe hri je lg sya ada kat mlysia n,sya blh fokuskan utk misi sya utk holiday kali n..b4 n xbape nk mjd sbb hti xtnang..skrg, :)..
nik ada ckp,"sya,ko xrse sng ke kt mcrik umh dia?"
alhamdulillah..mmg sya akui,sgala nya dpmdhkan..idea yg tmbul scra spontan,tndkn yg mngikut grak hati..sgala2 ny lah..syukur..mgkin itu caranya Tuhan berikan jwpn pada sya..
Friday, December 18, 2009
salam maal hijrah
wow..xsangka dh masuk thun baru..means amalan dicatit dlm buku baru..
dan wow!!tlalu byk perasaan yg telah melnda diri hari n..pagi tadi rse myesal dan sedey yg teramat sbb sya ingin mlakukan sesuatu, tapi syaitan menang akhir nya..sya tewas dlm satu peperangan nafsu tido..huh..syaitan menang menguasai ku di mlm tahun baru..hampes tol..
prasaan yg ke2 yg sya alami hr n ialah sgt rsaw..sbb nik zaiton, my fwen yg dtg berholiday di rumah kesakitan..dia kte dia skit mata n kepala..aish..rsaw2x..nape la ngn dia n..cuak pun ye gak coz mlm 2 sya yg titiskan air kunyit kat mata dia 4 her resdung..
pas2 kemas2 rumah..huh..satu perasaan yg sgt ltey menguasai diri..kebetulan mama n abah g pasar beli ikan banyak sgt..kononnya nk wat nasi dagang petang sgt penat..sbb dr pg smp petang xsmpt nk rest..
n actually perasaan excited pun menguasai diri jgk..sbb 4 d first time during this holiday, all the family members nk cukup bkumpul kat umah ( yg sgt teruk keadaanny sbb under renovation skrg n)..angah nk balik!!
n sy juga sgt merindui seseorg itu..mlm td sy msj sy xbg dia reply,sbb sy taw klw dia reply,dia marah n sy pn terasa hati..just msj to say slmt myambut awl muharram je..sdey, sbb sy sgt merindui dia..Tuhan, seandainya dia utk ku, Kau bukakan lah dan lembutkanlah hatiny utk memaafkan n mnerima ku kembali..seandainya dia bukan utkku, Kau tutuplah pintu hati ku dari merindui nya..
n kemudian,msih dlm kepenatan n kerinduan itu, angah, my only bro called, mntk amik dia n naim at gelang patah..coz moto rosak..pergila kami ( nik n me) ke sana utk mengambil mereka..
blik umh..huh~~trase pening lak sbb tlalu penat..
ushar2 facebook smbil2 msk nasi dagang..opps!!result kwa dh..bdbar scara tbe2..
bukak la lmn web macquarie university jap nk tgok result..yes!!alhamdulillah..agk cemerlang bg driku yg xbape terror cm owg lain n..actually,result itu adalah sgt xdsangka2..apapun, syukur pada Mu ya ALLAH..terima kasih ya ALLAH..even bg owg lain mybe result sya 2 xsberapa,tp bg sya, ia sgt menggembirakan..
dan setrusny kesdihan stlh kgembiraan yg teramat..2 la, kan owg2 tua dh ckp, jgn suke lbey2,nnt ad la yg xelok ny..huhuhu..actually bukan pe pn..cme sya je yg tlbey emoc sgt..nape ntah..leceh tol ble diri ini sgt senctip..ntah r..try gak utk mnhan diri dari senctip2 feeling xmmpu r..ckit2 2 ley lg nk thn, tapi lme2..huuu~~ya ALLAH, berilah kekuatan kepada hambaMu ini..
tapi, dlm kesedihan n, sbnarnya hati sya teramat senang..sbb family members smua ny ckup..tmbh2 plk dgn kehdairan sahabat yg sya sowy,sya xley nk cntrol perasaan lg wat mse n..
kesimpulannya, sya n mood swing ke ek??dlm 1day, byk tol yg sya ley alami perasaan ny..
dan wow!!tlalu byk perasaan yg telah melnda diri hari n..pagi tadi rse myesal dan sedey yg teramat sbb sya ingin mlakukan sesuatu, tapi syaitan menang akhir nya..sya tewas dlm satu peperangan nafsu tido..huh..syaitan menang menguasai ku di mlm tahun baru..hampes tol..
prasaan yg ke2 yg sya alami hr n ialah sgt rsaw..sbb nik zaiton, my fwen yg dtg berholiday di rumah kesakitan..dia kte dia skit mata n kepala..aish..rsaw2x..nape la ngn dia n..cuak pun ye gak coz mlm 2 sya yg titiskan air kunyit kat mata dia 4 her resdung..
pas2 kemas2 rumah..huh..satu perasaan yg sgt ltey menguasai diri..kebetulan mama n abah g pasar beli ikan banyak sgt..kononnya nk wat nasi dagang petang sgt penat..sbb dr pg smp petang xsmpt nk rest..
n actually perasaan excited pun menguasai diri jgk..sbb 4 d first time during this holiday, all the family members nk cukup bkumpul kat umah ( yg sgt teruk keadaanny sbb under renovation skrg n)..angah nk balik!!
n sy juga sgt merindui seseorg itu..mlm td sy msj sy xbg dia reply,sbb sy taw klw dia reply,dia marah n sy pn terasa hati..just msj to say slmt myambut awl muharram je..sdey, sbb sy sgt merindui dia..Tuhan, seandainya dia utk ku, Kau bukakan lah dan lembutkanlah hatiny utk memaafkan n mnerima ku kembali..seandainya dia bukan utkku, Kau tutuplah pintu hati ku dari merindui nya..
n kemudian,msih dlm kepenatan n kerinduan itu, angah, my only bro called, mntk amik dia n naim at gelang patah..coz moto rosak..pergila kami ( nik n me) ke sana utk mengambil mereka..
blik umh..huh~~trase pening lak sbb tlalu penat..
ushar2 facebook smbil2 msk nasi dagang..opps!!result kwa dh..bdbar scara tbe2..
bukak la lmn web macquarie university jap nk tgok result..yes!!alhamdulillah..agk cemerlang bg driku yg xbape terror cm owg lain n..actually,result itu adalah sgt xdsangka2..apapun, syukur pada Mu ya ALLAH..terima kasih ya ALLAH..even bg owg lain mybe result sya 2 xsberapa,tp bg sya, ia sgt menggembirakan..
dan setrusny kesdihan stlh kgembiraan yg teramat..2 la, kan owg2 tua dh ckp, jgn suke lbey2,nnt ad la yg xelok ny..huhuhu..actually bukan pe pn..cme sya je yg tlbey emoc sgt..nape ntah..leceh tol ble diri ini sgt senctip..ntah r..try gak utk mnhan diri dari senctip2 feeling xmmpu r..ckit2 2 ley lg nk thn, tapi lme2..huuu~~ya ALLAH, berilah kekuatan kepada hambaMu ini..
tapi, dlm kesedihan n, sbnarnya hati sya teramat senang..sbb family members smua ny ckup..tmbh2 plk dgn kehdairan sahabat yg sya sowy,sya xley nk cntrol perasaan lg wat mse n..
kesimpulannya, sya n mood swing ke ek??dlm 1day, byk tol yg sya ley alami perasaan ny..
Monday, December 7, 2009
nk mnulis lagi..kebosanan..
bile bosan, kt jd xtaw wat pe..emm..kbetuln gjol ada tagged me kat notes fb..mjwb soalanny, ada sesuatu mnarik d c2..
ntah r..slalu ny mls nk mjawab soalan yg sebegitu..xrajin r nk ble wat td..rse cm "emm..ssh gak bnda n.."..padahal soalan 2 seme tny psl diri sendiri..bkn ny tny psl owg lain pn..4 me, part yg plg byk amik mse nk pk yg "how i end my sentences" 2..nmpk cm snang once ble nk mjwb..pyh gak nk mmikir apa nk letak..ikut kan emosi n hati n jgk perasaan yg tgh xbape stabil n,ntah apa2 la sya akn jwb nnt..
tp plg menarik sekali part yg dia tny "i dont understand:....."..
mule nk ltak math..coz i hate math..lg2 klw add math..rse cm blaja add math 2 mgabiskan mse je..huhuhu..jhat sungguh diriku bkata la..actually, personally sya rse add math 2 xde kaitan ngn daily x relevant gak r..huhuhu..2 personal opinion k..
then, jwpn yg sya ltak kat c2, "i dont understand: myself"
huhuhu..trse itulah yg pling tepat wat mse n..
slalunya owg kte tme pre-teen period 2 la tme kt mcari identiti..i thought i've alrdy gone through that stage..rupe2nya, at d age of 21 bru jmp stage 2..huhuhu..bru mengadah slps thantuk..dgn byrn yg bsar utk satu perubahan = kehilangan.. sndiri xphm diri, i cant expect other pple to understand me..huhuhu..
ntah r..slalu ny mls nk mjawab soalan yg sebegitu..xrajin r nk ble wat td..rse cm "emm..ssh gak bnda n.."..padahal soalan 2 seme tny psl diri sendiri..bkn ny tny psl owg lain pn..4 me, part yg plg byk amik mse nk pk yg "how i end my sentences" 2..nmpk cm snang once ble nk mjwb..pyh gak nk mmikir apa nk letak..ikut kan emosi n hati n jgk perasaan yg tgh xbape stabil n,ntah apa2 la sya akn jwb nnt..
tp plg menarik sekali part yg dia tny "i dont understand:....."..
mule nk ltak math..coz i hate math..lg2 klw add math..rse cm blaja add math 2 mgabiskan mse je..huhuhu..jhat sungguh diriku bkata la..actually, personally sya rse add math 2 xde kaitan ngn daily x relevant gak r..huhuhu..2 personal opinion k..
then, jwpn yg sya ltak kat c2, "i dont understand: myself"
huhuhu..trse itulah yg pling tepat wat mse n..
slalunya owg kte tme pre-teen period 2 la tme kt mcari identiti..i thought i've alrdy gone through that stage..rupe2nya, at d age of 21 bru jmp stage 2..huhuhu..bru mengadah slps thantuk..dgn byrn yg bsar utk satu perubahan = kehilangan.. sndiri xphm diri, i cant expect other pple to understand me..huhuhu..
mood: happy but.....
hehehe..ntah nape ntah 2,3 hari n rse cm smtimes sdey..xtaw la apa perasaan sbnrnya skrg n..huhuhu..syesly diriku dilanda ketidakbetulan..ntah r..xtaw r nk ckp cm ne..diri sendiri confius..huhuhu..
pe pn, trase sgt best..sbb..there's smebody yg always b there 4 me..cian gak kat dia..kengkadang t'pk gak..mesti dia bowing sbb asik dgr sya dok berceloteh,bcte,mbebel kat, dia smmgny seowg rakan yg baik..wat mse n (status single) sgala opinion yg diperlukan sya mntk dr dia..sya syg sgt kat dia..
tp ckup la skdr kawan..sbb hti sya msh menantia 'si dia' yg sowg lg..klw ada jodoh ad la kot ngn rse cm nk tptus hrpn pn ye gak..coz i know he hate me alrdy..
kcewa dlm 1st love, mmg mnonggeng..sbb ye la,nme pn hti dh syg.. byk kali cple pn, xpnh jtuh cnta..2 la 1st tme jtuh nk wat cm ne..dia jmp a girl yg lbih baik n cntik dr sya..
felt in love kali ke2..a miracle..coz he's a good boy..a very good boy..mle2 mse accept dia, just syg cm bese je..lbey dr sowg kwn,tp xla smp smthg dat can b called 'love' lme2, terjatuh gak..klw itu adalah satu episod mimpi, sya rela telan ubat tdo 10bj shari supaya xbgun..even ktowg sllu aduh n bselisih phm, tp sme 2 adlh indah 4 me..owg kte wak2 bcnta mmg indah,tp ble dh kcewa sme jd mmpi x bg sya..myb sbb sya yg mntk dia ptuskan hbgn ngn sya..sya yg wat slh smp la dia xley nk trma n bnci sya..slh sya..
sya still mharap dia blh mafkan sya n trma sya blik nnt wlaupun sya taw bdna 2 agk mustahil stlh sgala yg blaku..smga kami sma2 dpt mcari nma kami d jabal rahmah..still..he is my forbidden miracle yg tllu sukar utk sya capai..
honestly, i still in love with him..
( i dare 2 write all this things coz i know only me yg bce my blog n..huhuhu.. :) )
pe pn, trase sgt best..sbb..there's smebody yg always b there 4 me..cian gak kat dia..kengkadang t'pk gak..mesti dia bowing sbb asik dgr sya dok berceloteh,bcte,mbebel kat, dia smmgny seowg rakan yg baik..wat mse n (status single) sgala opinion yg diperlukan sya mntk dr dia..sya syg sgt kat dia..
tp ckup la skdr kawan..sbb hti sya msh menantia 'si dia' yg sowg lg..klw ada jodoh ad la kot ngn rse cm nk tptus hrpn pn ye gak..coz i know he hate me alrdy..
kcewa dlm 1st love, mmg mnonggeng..sbb ye la,nme pn hti dh syg.. byk kali cple pn, xpnh jtuh cnta..2 la 1st tme jtuh nk wat cm ne..dia jmp a girl yg lbih baik n cntik dr sya..
felt in love kali ke2..a miracle..coz he's a good boy..a very good boy..mle2 mse accept dia, just syg cm bese je..lbey dr sowg kwn,tp xla smp smthg dat can b called 'love' lme2, terjatuh gak..klw itu adalah satu episod mimpi, sya rela telan ubat tdo 10bj shari supaya xbgun..even ktowg sllu aduh n bselisih phm, tp sme 2 adlh indah 4 me..owg kte wak2 bcnta mmg indah,tp ble dh kcewa sme jd mmpi x bg sya..myb sbb sya yg mntk dia ptuskan hbgn ngn sya..sya yg wat slh smp la dia xley nk trma n bnci sya..slh sya..
sya still mharap dia blh mafkan sya n trma sya blik nnt wlaupun sya taw bdna 2 agk mustahil stlh sgala yg blaku..smga kami sma2 dpt mcari nma kami d jabal rahmah..still..he is my forbidden miracle yg tllu sukar utk sya capai..
honestly, i still in love with him..
( i dare 2 write all this things coz i know only me yg bce my blog n..huhuhu.. :) )
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
life is not easy..
life is not easy..anything can happen..
believe it or not, mkin tua rase cm makin nak bkepit ngn family..
now musim cuti..busy..tlg abah kat site, kat umah lak jentera2 sgt memekak..dpn,blkg,kiri.knan..sgala bunyi enjin ada..srabut tol..xsgka lak nk renovet umh smp kna gne jcb..
thank God my dad ajk blik jerteh..lega ckit..mule ingat sempat gak nk men bnjir..avanza je la men bnjir tgh jln..mse odw blik, dr kuantan smp ke k.trengganu ujan lebat xbrenti..kat paka, jln sangkut sbb air melintas..sangkut kat kT, tdo kat indah beach resort 1n8..ok gak r..tmpt bru bukak..
yeah...smp jerteh d next sdkit kcwa coz bnjir dh n dh pns dh pn..ingat smpt gak nk men banjir..huhuhu..
bape hr je lg tggl b4 fly..mse yg ada hny utk family and kblkgn n kerap terganggu pkrn..byk gak bnda nk kna kte hdup jgn pndg ke klw xpndg, kt xkan dpt pedoman utk mse dpan..n mcm mn lak kt xley pndg ke blkg, sdangkan apa yg kt dh lalui di masa lalu 2 la yang akn determine our ne yek agk ny my future??
life is not easy..anything can happen..
believe it or not, mkin tua rase cm makin nak bkepit ngn family..
now musim cuti..busy..tlg abah kat site, kat umah lak jentera2 sgt memekak..dpn,blkg,kiri.knan..sgala bunyi enjin ada..srabut tol..xsgka lak nk renovet umh smp kna gne jcb..
thank God my dad ajk blik jerteh..lega ckit..mule ingat sempat gak nk men bnjir..avanza je la men bnjir tgh jln..mse odw blik, dr kuantan smp ke k.trengganu ujan lebat xbrenti..kat paka, jln sangkut sbb air melintas..sangkut kat kT, tdo kat indah beach resort 1n8..ok gak r..tmpt bru bukak..
yeah...smp jerteh d next sdkit kcwa coz bnjir dh n dh pns dh pn..ingat smpt gak nk men banjir..huhuhu..
bape hr je lg tggl b4 fly..mse yg ada hny utk family and kblkgn n kerap terganggu pkrn..byk gak bnda nk kna kte hdup jgn pndg ke klw xpndg, kt xkan dpt pedoman utk mse dpan..n mcm mn lak kt xley pndg ke blkg, sdangkan apa yg kt dh lalui di masa lalu 2 la yang akn determine our ne yek agk ny my future??
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
titik permulaan..
dulu..bile kt ada sgalanya, kt mdh lupa..ble 1 hari, kt jth..kt mula utk bgn..satu per satu kt atur langkah utk bgun lg..
cm ne blh jatuh??
tahukah, itu kesalahanku..cuai,lalai,leka mengejar yg d hdp tnpa pernah skali memikirkan langkah yg diambil..malah lupa jalan yang seharusnya aku ambil dh lma kulencongkan..
tp, sgt bersyukur bahawa aku dh tjatuh..sakit..teramat sakit..sakit yg akhir nya menyedarkan aku dari segala-galanya..kesakitan yg hingga payah utk ku bangun semula..smp t'pk xmo bgun2 dh..cme mujur ada 1tgn yg sudi menghulurkan secubit kekuatan utk bgun balik..tgn yg sentiasa bantu utk memimpin kembali pada jalan yang satu,jalan yang lama aku nk pergi tapi xde kekuatan utk kembali..terima kasih teramat utk pemilik tangan itu..aku sesungguhnya terhutang budi dan nyawa pada mu..kerana tgn yg bantu utk bgun kembali itu adalh yg tgn yg mbawa ku kembali pada fitrah yg asli..
dan itulah satu titik permulaan..permulaan utk hidup baru..
dan pada seseorang memberi satu naskah pembimbing abadi, terima kasih jua..hadiah yg sgt bmakna..pada mereka yg mjd saksi, terima kasih juga yg kuucapkan..akan kupegang janji hingga hujung nyawa..
pd semua, maafkan diri ini..masih belum tkumpul kekuatan utk berdiri mengakui kejatuhan itu..kekuatan yg ada skrg n cme bersisa utk mencari identiti pd jln fitrah yg asli..
pd seowg mnusia yg aku tlanjur menghulur cinta pd nya sblm aku knal cinta Hakiki, maaf..xmampu utk b'sma mu lg..diri ini xlayak lagi..akan ada mnusia yg bnama perempuan yg lbih berhak utk berada di samping mu..kerana aku masih teraba-raba mencari identiti..
pd diri sendiri, bpgang lah pd janji..teguhkanlah hati..
cm ne blh jatuh??
tahukah, itu kesalahanku..cuai,lalai,leka mengejar yg d hdp tnpa pernah skali memikirkan langkah yg diambil..malah lupa jalan yang seharusnya aku ambil dh lma kulencongkan..
tp, sgt bersyukur bahawa aku dh tjatuh..sakit..teramat sakit..sakit yg akhir nya menyedarkan aku dari segala-galanya..kesakitan yg hingga payah utk ku bangun semula..smp t'pk xmo bgun2 dh..cme mujur ada 1tgn yg sudi menghulurkan secubit kekuatan utk bgun balik..tgn yg sentiasa bantu utk memimpin kembali pada jalan yang satu,jalan yang lama aku nk pergi tapi xde kekuatan utk kembali..terima kasih teramat utk pemilik tangan itu..aku sesungguhnya terhutang budi dan nyawa pada mu..kerana tgn yg bantu utk bgun kembali itu adalh yg tgn yg mbawa ku kembali pada fitrah yg asli..
dan itulah satu titik permulaan..permulaan utk hidup baru..
dan pada seseorang memberi satu naskah pembimbing abadi, terima kasih jua..hadiah yg sgt bmakna..pada mereka yg mjd saksi, terima kasih juga yg kuucapkan..akan kupegang janji hingga hujung nyawa..
pd semua, maafkan diri ini..masih belum tkumpul kekuatan utk berdiri mengakui kejatuhan itu..kekuatan yg ada skrg n cme bersisa utk mencari identiti pd jln fitrah yg asli..
pd seowg mnusia yg aku tlanjur menghulur cinta pd nya sblm aku knal cinta Hakiki, maaf..xmampu utk b'sma mu lg..diri ini xlayak lagi..akan ada mnusia yg bnama perempuan yg lbih berhak utk berada di samping mu..kerana aku masih teraba-raba mencari identiti..
pd diri sendiri, bpgang lah pd janji..teguhkanlah hati..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
bday abah..
23rd of september 2009, abah's 45th bday..dsbbkan mse 2 tgh ryen sgt cbuk hr 2..ktowg just celebr8 mlm ny..wat bbq burung puyuh n ikan..emmm..besh...

n actually xwish pn kat abh dr pg..abh ingt ktowg xingt..smp la...
"hepi bday 2 u,
hepi bday 2 u,
hepi bday 2 abh...
hepi bday 2 u.."
kek yg dbeli diam2..hehehe..nyaris tkantoi sbb abh nk amik air kat dlm peti sjuk..nsb baik ada kakak yg pndai mengalih phatian abah..huhuhu..
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mama yg turut bersuhabat dlm mjayakan suprise utk abh..hehehe...

abh..hepi bday..(opps..belated dh n)..thanx 4 everything..cyg abah..
n actually xwish pn kat abh dr pg..abh ingt ktowg xingt..smp la...
"hepi bday 2 u,
hepi bday 2 u,
hepi bday 2 abh...
hepi bday 2 u.."
kek yg dbeli diam2..hehehe..nyaris tkantoi sbb abh nk amik air kat dlm peti sjuk..nsb baik ada kakak yg pndai mengalih phatian abah..huhuhu..
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mama yg turut bersuhabat dlm mjayakan suprise utk abh..hehehe...
abh..hepi bday..(opps..belated dh n)..thanx 4 everything..cyg abah..
Thursday, September 24, 2009
cterku utk raye 09..
ada owg kte raya kali n x besh..
tp 4 me, raya kali n agk besh..
d story b4 smp umh..huru-hara..laptop n hard disk pn ley ttggal..nk bli bju abh kat bj ny cter smp tjtuh kat tangga bus stop..mse 2 ujn lbat gler..mlm lak 2..dh la driku ini rabun, cme ngengade mls nk pkai spec je..padan muke..kan dh jtuh tgga..huhuhu..nsib baik ada mr mashmallow ku tlg smbut (dr tepi je la pas jtuh 2..huhuhu) 3hr still trse skit lg..
d day b4 raye smp kat umh, pg..fmily amik kat larkin..odw blik abh kata,"along,awk blik xley tdo taw..byk dh keje 2ggu"..adoi..dan sy membalas,"abah,sggh klinik dlu ley?"kerana pwutku sdh trse skit dr mlm ny slps jtuh tangga..bak kte mama,"retis ny la bdn awk n.."ble cter kat mama n abh nape nk g klinik, apa lg, kdgrn la bebelan yg sdh lme kurindui utk mdgarny..huhuhu..taw,mama n abh mrh sbb syg along kan??hehehe..cyg kamoo jgk..yg besh ny smp kat umh sy hny mgarah..jd mandur.."angah, langsir kat dpn xpasang lg" "uda, sapu n mop umh,blik along sx ek" "kchik, tlg kmas tmpt kuih" "kakak, tlg lap cwn" dan sebagainy lagi..sbb abh swuh rhat n xyah wat keje,tkut pwut skit dgil nk wat kuih ley miss wat kuih..hehehe..ptg, mk ck2, pk ck2 sdh rmai mmnuhi ruang di umh sbb nk wat psiapn rye..sme psiapn raya kali n nk wat kat umh cn, lg pn umh atok 5mnt je pn dr umh sya dh ciap2 msk sme, tggal angkut je esk..
mlm rye agk meriah..sbb bdk2 cbuk main bunga api n mercun (jgn tiru aksi ini..bahaya) mak2 cbuk masak kat dapur, ank2 dara cbuk wat kuih, tp yg besh ny phk llaki la..duk dpn tv, bbual..cme abh slaku tuan umh je kjap2 jenguk dapur,tlg2 mn patut(eg. topup air teh n kopi kat dpn utk kaum bapa, basuh periuk kuali, pastikan sme bnda ckup, n mcm2 lg) yg bujang trang tang2 lak cbuk dok borak2 smbil usha bdk2 yg dok main bunga api..pas2 kwa g bndr..bese r..lelaki kan..
pagi bese je..angkut brg g umh atok..smyg raye..drama air mata ktka sesi bmaaf-maafan..hehehe..cme cm xrmai sgt owg kat umh atok kali n sbb ada dlm 3,4 owg gak adk bradik mama yg xblik..emm..ntah la..smkin kt mnginjak dewasa, smkin byk bnda yg kt xmmpu nk phm kan..bdk2 gak sronok dpt duit raye..pas sesi mgumpul duit raye abis, sesi bgambar lak..pas2 mkn juadah hr 2: nasi tomato, ayam masak merah, dalca, rendang, ktupat, burasak (yg n a type of mknn jawa,lbh kurang cm nsi impit, cme dbalut ngn daun pisang dlm bntuk leper2,n nasi dia cm nasi lmak coz bsantan),lepat, serunding..syesly mmg byk sgt mkn hr 2..pas2 bgrak la g brya ke umh snak saudara beramai2..6buah kete wat rmbgn..meriah gak r even 2 mmg xtvt bese..
raya ke2..
umh diserang..sme2 dtg blik kat umh kre cm open house utk fmily tdkat je..fmily tdkat = lbh krg 10fmly yg dtg..mak ndak, mak lang, mak oteh, pak long, mak ngah, pak itam, mak uda, ngn fmily diowg dan jgk fmily2 csins ku yg dh knduri pn ye gak..pas2 g glang pth, umh along ain,csin sya yg dh ada 2owg ank yg sgt cmel2..pas2 umh adik dia, angah eon yg jgk dh bkahwin n ada sowg anak yg mmg rpat ngn sya..
raya ke3..
business day..ciapkan tempahan gubahan pengantin..
raya ke4..
ntr gubahan..n jgk bilik pgantin yg ke4 utk sya hias..bab favourite nih..syesly, ske teramat gubah bilik pengantin bbanding ngn keje lain..cme time wat keje 2 tringt kat mr mashmallow n terpk, "ble la aku nk gbah blik pengantinku sndri n?" usih..mgarut dh..lari topic jwpn ny mmg lmbt lg..tunggu ek..hehehe..n actually hr n bday abh..ada la clbr8 ckit2..
raya ke5..
hr yg sgt mmenatkn..sbb??sbb ny dr kul9 pg, owg xptus2 dtg..n sbgai owg dapur, xptus2 memasak..mule2 bihun goreng..pas2 nasi ayam..pas2 laksa penang..n mlm lak wat bbq..ltey mmg meriah n besh..
k la..2 je cter utk rye kali n..pas n kembali ke student's life..huhuhu..
ada owg kte raya kali n x besh..
tp 4 me, raya kali n agk besh..
d story b4 smp umh..huru-hara..laptop n hard disk pn ley ttggal..nk bli bju abh kat bj ny cter smp tjtuh kat tangga bus stop..mse 2 ujn lbat gler..mlm lak 2..dh la driku ini rabun, cme ngengade mls nk pkai spec je..padan muke..kan dh jtuh tgga..huhuhu..nsib baik ada mr mashmallow ku tlg smbut (dr tepi je la pas jtuh 2..huhuhu) 3hr still trse skit lg..
d day b4 raye smp kat umh, pg..fmily amik kat larkin..odw blik abh kata,"along,awk blik xley tdo taw..byk dh keje 2ggu"..adoi..dan sy membalas,"abah,sggh klinik dlu ley?"kerana pwutku sdh trse skit dr mlm ny slps jtuh tangga..bak kte mama,"retis ny la bdn awk n.."
mlm rye agk meriah..sbb bdk2 cbuk main bunga api n mercun (jgn tiru aksi ini..bahaya) mak2 cbuk masak kat dapur, ank2 dara cbuk wat kuih, tp yg besh ny phk llaki la..duk dpn tv, bbual..cme abh slaku tuan umh je kjap2 jenguk dapur,tlg2 mn patut(eg. topup air teh n kopi kat dpn utk kaum bapa, basuh periuk kuali, pastikan sme bnda ckup, n mcm2 lg) yg bujang trang tang2 lak cbuk dok borak2 smbil usha bdk2 yg dok main bunga api..pas2 kwa g bndr..bese r..lelaki kan..
pagi bese je..angkut brg g umh atok..smyg raye..drama air mata ktka sesi bmaaf-maafan..hehehe..cme cm xrmai sgt owg kat umh atok kali n sbb ada dlm 3,4 owg gak adk bradik mama yg xblik..emm..ntah la..smkin kt mnginjak dewasa, smkin byk bnda yg kt xmmpu nk phm kan..bdk2 gak sronok dpt duit raye..pas sesi mgumpul duit raye abis, sesi bgambar lak..pas2 mkn juadah hr 2: nasi tomato, ayam masak merah, dalca, rendang, ktupat, burasak (yg n a type of mknn jawa,lbh kurang cm nsi impit, cme dbalut ngn daun pisang dlm bntuk leper2,n nasi dia cm nasi lmak coz bsantan),lepat, serunding..syesly mmg byk sgt mkn hr 2..pas2 bgrak la g brya ke umh snak saudara beramai2..6buah kete wat rmbgn..meriah gak r even 2 mmg xtvt bese..
raya ke2..
umh diserang..sme2 dtg blik kat umh kre cm open house utk fmily tdkat je..fmily tdkat = lbh krg 10fmly yg dtg..mak ndak, mak lang, mak oteh, pak long, mak ngah, pak itam, mak uda, ngn fmily diowg dan jgk fmily2 csins ku yg dh knduri pn ye gak..pas2 g glang pth, umh along ain,csin sya yg dh ada 2owg ank yg sgt cmel2..pas2 umh adik dia, angah eon yg jgk dh bkahwin n ada sowg anak yg mmg rpat ngn sya..
raya ke3..
business day..ciapkan tempahan gubahan pengantin..
raya ke4..
ntr gubahan..n jgk bilik pgantin yg ke4 utk sya hias..bab favourite nih..syesly, ske teramat gubah bilik pengantin bbanding ngn keje lain..cme time wat keje 2 tringt kat mr mashmallow n terpk, "ble la aku nk gbah blik pengantinku sndri n?" usih..mgarut dh..lari topic jwpn ny mmg lmbt lg..tunggu ek..hehehe..n actually hr n bday abh..ada la clbr8 ckit2..
raya ke5..
hr yg sgt mmenatkn..sbb??sbb ny dr kul9 pg, owg xptus2 dtg..n sbgai owg dapur, xptus2 memasak..mule2 bihun goreng..pas2 nasi ayam..pas2 laksa penang..n mlm lak wat bbq..ltey mmg meriah n besh..
k la..2 je cter utk rye kali n..pas n kembali ke student's life..huhuhu..
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
friendship vs love..??
dis morning i got a sms from someone..
"i always thought loving someone is the greatest feeling but i realized that loving friends is even better..we lose people we love but we never lose friends"
pros and is sweet,love is crazy,love is about madness..but sometimes love can be bitter,love is a sickness,love is hurt..

n how about friends??sometimes it can be the best shoulder to lend on,sometimes it can be backstabbers..friends can be trusted,friends can lie..we need friends to cheer up..friends r d ones who make us everything with friends..left out by friends..

Saturday, August 22, 2009
tesl nite'09: arabian masquerade
hot stuff of the night..hahaha...
the supportive lecturer..our lovely darling, mdm salmah..
~~~there's some pictures taken during the tesl nite '09 with the theme of arabian masquerade..wat a nite it was..full of controversy but still full of memories to remember..maybe it will become our last tesl nite..but, let's pray it still become our annual function in future..
Friday, August 21, 2009
it's not right, but it's ok...
emm..there's a lot of things are not right..but for some people it is still ok n acceptable..same goes with me,myself..maybe for others, what i am doing @ did is not right, but i just can accept it..opps!! i know what i did is wrong, but can i just being myself??n people..please, if i didnt disturb ur life, please back off from mine..doesn't mean i cant accept any advise from others, but the thing dat i cant accept is those make-up stories about me and any more kutukan..
hello!! i think nobody likes to be 'dikutuk' and 'dimake-up' stories about urself right..nama pn make-up stories, so mmg xbtol la..memandai je wat cter psl owg..apa kes..bajet hot stuff r ble dpt made up those stories about me then sebarkan pada owg lain..rse superior r??!!bangang sgguh tndakan itu..dok peringat kat owg lain tntang dosa pahala, what about u remind urself first??ckup2 lah..penat dh..
hello!! i think nobody likes to be 'dikutuk' and 'dimake-up' stories about urself right..nama pn make-up stories, so mmg xbtol la..memandai je wat cter psl owg..apa kes..bajet hot stuff r ble dpt made up those stories about me then sebarkan pada owg lain..rse superior r??!!bangang sgguh tndakan itu..dok peringat kat owg lain tntang dosa pahala, what about u remind urself first??ckup2 lah..penat dh..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
as i promised..
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as i promised nk letak gmbr mse g genting highlands ngn my fwenz hr 2..these are some of d pictures taken there..
posing ngn maskot jap..actually,msing2 tcbar n mencabar kechumelan maskot tsebut..huhuhu..
i dont know where they got the guts to play dis one..gosh!!give me one thousand but i dont want to go up there..
hehehe..mereka yg sdh mggil kaki pas nek pirate ship..
yg n kat switzerland..
yg n gmbr mse kat korea..hehehehe...
yg n lak kat disneyland..hehehe..
yg n lak kat antartika..
kanak2 yang keriangan sbb dpt masuk chocolate wonderland..
ala2 cter 'charlie & the chocolate factory' konon ny...
ada owg kebulur chocolate nmpk, this will happen if eat too much choco..u will addicted to it..
"cyg..ltey r..nek bilik jom.."
last weekend, iwent to shah alam..sesaje ngade2 ikut noni g bengkel bahas kat uitm shah alam kampus puncak perdana..besides, i want to meet my old fwen named ein..miss her so much..
d day of journey..arrived at shah alam at night..met ein..
went to pkns..jenjln..pas2 g sacc cmplex lak..then blik..byk gler mam hr n..
yeah!!today i have to go to a reunion for qberian 04/05..but at d moment i arrived at midvalley, i wanted to go back already..bcoz of 'a guy'..yup,my ex..gosh!!rse tcekik gler..n rse cm nk cekik owg..nk lpas geram yg dh tersimpan slma 1thn lbey..God,please help me!!overall, reunion 2 agk rse janggal gak r coz mke msing2 byk gler brubah..mkin matured, mkin smart, mkin keibubapaan kot..huhuhuhu..1.45 i left..then, blik puncak blik..4.30 g syeksen 17,bus station..5.30 naik bas blik penang..on d way balik, i have a wonderful talk with someone i love..hehehe..mklumlah msing2 bz lately n..jrg dpt borak pjg cm 2..leisure time dgunakan spnuhny..hehehe..smp blik dlm 11 lbih..ltey gler..
kesimpulan must go on..everything happened in life is a life..we need to face it either we like it or not..
d day of journey..arrived at shah alam at night..met ein..
went to pkns..jenjln..pas2 g sacc cmplex lak..then blik..byk gler mam hr n..
yeah!!today i have to go to a reunion for qberian 04/05..but at d moment i arrived at midvalley, i wanted to go back already..bcoz of 'a guy'..yup,my ex..gosh!!rse tcekik gler..n rse cm nk cekik owg..nk lpas geram yg dh tersimpan slma 1thn lbey..God,please help me!!overall, reunion 2 agk rse janggal gak r coz mke msing2 byk gler brubah..mkin matured, mkin smart, mkin keibubapaan kot..huhuhuhu..1.45 i left..then, blik puncak blik..4.30 g syeksen 17,bus station..5.30 naik bas blik penang..on d way balik, i have a wonderful talk with someone i love..hehehe..mklumlah msing2 bz lately n..jrg dpt borak pjg cm 2..leisure time dgunakan spnuhny..hehehe..smp blik dlm 11 lbih..ltey gler..
kesimpulan must go on..everything happened in life is a life..we need to face it either we like it or not..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
headache..citer sowg ckgu wannabe..
adui ai..
hari pertama masuk kelas kat primary school as a teacher..
dh r smp sklh lmbt, tperangkap dlm jam..smp2......
"sya..kt kna masuk klas.."
"haa!!!.......emm..ok je.."
7.45-8.35pg..kelas 2P..
cm bese,msuk knal kan diri..4owg ckgu 1 kls..2 pn xbrapa nk tkawal..ajk cter psl pet..mcm2 r..guinea pig ad, fish(es) ad, hamster ad, cat ad,dog kbykn ny..."teacher, teacher..i have......but already died"..adui ai..bdk2..
nk ajar nyanyi tp tlupe lirik lak..last2,hentam saja la..asal ada bnda aku nk wat..pas2 ajar mengeja millipede n centipede..2words cukup r..huhuhu..pas 2 nyanyi lg..seronok gak tgok bebudak n disuruh ny lompat 1 kaki, dia g lompat 2kaki lak..adui ai..bdk2...
"cikgu n mental r.."
10.05-11.05pg..kls 3K..
cm bese gak..introduce ourselves n ask the students to introduce themselves..
citer psl ambition lak..
"teacher, ambition tu apa?"
alamak!!stlh dtrangkan bru lah mereka yg nk jd doktor, fireman, policeman, 3 owg nk jd cikgu, ad yg nk jd cm syed muzaffar g bulan nk tgkap alien..hehehe..bdk2..
then, we did poison box..there's a boy named mawi kena denda nyanyi..peh!!sekali dia nyanyi lagu bunkface da..last2,ktowg pn join nyanyi harapan gnt mawi af bdk 2..huhuhu..
plg best dnda ny bdk 2 kna wat catwalk..tbe2 dia nk merangkak..
"eh, awk nk wat pe n?"
"ckgu kte catwalk..??jln cm kucing kan??",dia berkata dgn muke blur..
nk wat chicken dance..swuh berdiri..ntah cm ne boys ley gduh lak kat blkg kls..smp lebam kpala mawi..adui..parah2x..bdk2x..
second day masuk kelas..
10.35-11.05pg..kelas 1P..
msuk year 1, bdk gaduh sbb seketul plastisin wrna biru..nasib bek r sya masuk berdua ngn rini..if not, ngak taw la apa yg bisa terjadi..yg kat cn gduh berebut plastisin, yg kat sna lak merangkak atas meja..
"ok..jom kt nyanyi lgu nak??"
"cikgu..saya ngn dia nk nyanyi lagu matahariku boleh??"
adui ai..bdk2x..
huru-hara hdup ngn bdk n..nasib baik kejap je..klw x,ada aku menjerit tetbe dlm klas 2..
huh~~sgt lega hr n sdh berlalu..
hari pertama masuk kelas kat primary school as a teacher..
dh r smp sklh lmbt, tperangkap dlm jam..smp2......
"sya..kt kna masuk klas.."
"haa!!!.......emm..ok je.."
7.45-8.35pg..kelas 2P..
cm bese,msuk knal kan diri..4owg ckgu 1 kls..2 pn xbrapa nk tkawal..ajk cter psl pet..mcm2 r..guinea pig ad, fish(es) ad, hamster ad, cat ad,dog kbykn ny..."teacher, teacher..i have......but already died"..adui ai..bdk2..
nk ajar nyanyi tp tlupe lirik lak..last2,hentam saja la..asal ada bnda aku nk wat..pas2 ajar mengeja millipede n centipede..2words cukup r..huhuhu..pas 2 nyanyi lg..seronok gak tgok bebudak n disuruh ny lompat 1 kaki, dia g lompat 2kaki lak..adui ai..bdk2...
"cikgu n mental r.."
10.05-11.05pg..kls 3K..
cm bese gak..introduce ourselves n ask the students to introduce themselves..
citer psl ambition lak..
"teacher, ambition tu apa?"
alamak!!stlh dtrangkan bru lah mereka yg nk jd doktor, fireman, policeman, 3 owg nk jd cikgu, ad yg nk jd cm syed muzaffar g bulan nk tgkap alien..hehehe..bdk2..
then, we did poison box..there's a boy named mawi kena denda nyanyi..peh!!sekali dia nyanyi lagu bunkface da..last2,ktowg pn join nyanyi harapan gnt mawi af bdk 2..huhuhu..
plg best dnda ny bdk 2 kna wat catwalk..tbe2 dia nk merangkak..
"eh, awk nk wat pe n?"
"ckgu kte catwalk..??jln cm kucing kan??",dia berkata dgn muke blur..
nk wat chicken dance..swuh berdiri..ntah cm ne boys ley gduh lak kat blkg kls..smp lebam kpala mawi..adui..parah2x..bdk2x..
second day masuk kelas..
10.35-11.05pg..kelas 1P..
msuk year 1, bdk gaduh sbb seketul plastisin wrna biru..nasib bek r sya masuk berdua ngn rini..if not, ngak taw la apa yg bisa terjadi..yg kat cn gduh berebut plastisin, yg kat sna lak merangkak atas meja..
"ok..jom kt nyanyi lgu nak??"
"cikgu..saya ngn dia nk nyanyi lagu matahariku boleh??"
adui ai..bdk2x..
huru-hara hdup ngn bdk n..nasib baik kejap je..klw x,ada aku menjerit tetbe dlm klas 2..
huh~~sgt lega hr n sdh berlalu..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
happy anniversary mama n abah
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ipgm kpp has been attacked by h1n1..then.......
we went home coz got holiday ( actually quarantine)
we went to city square..watching movie together..
boley tahan r..pecah pewut gak gelak..
then hang out together..for the first time mama n abah 'melepak' with us at shopping
mall..usually we jejak shopping mall for shopping je..
im glad,thankful, and very happy that i have a happy family..
thanks to mama n abah..
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i love u all..
Lyrics to Ayah Dan Ibu by Sudirman :
Ayah dan ibu 2x
Itulah permulaan kami
Dapatlah melihat bulan dan
Yang dikurniakan dari Ilahi
Ayah dan ibu lah
Mesti dihormati
Ayah dan ibu 2x
Wali dan juga keramat
Pada mereka kita beri hormat
Bagilah tunjuk ajar dan
Supaya hidup
Supaya hidup kita akan selamat
To the ones whom I owe my life
Who've known me since my birth,
Who loved each other more than enough
To bring me into this earth..
Who've raised me up knowing right from wrong
Who taught me how to read and write,
Who laughed, and played,
and sang with meand tucked me in at night..
Words can never thank you enough
For all of your love and tears,
That have shaped me into who I am today
Over these many years..
I want you to know that I love you both
More than words can say,
And I want to thank you for turning me into
The woman I am today..
I couldn't have asked the Lord above
For better parents than you,
so thank you, Mom and Dad
For everything you do!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
too many things happened in life..
perkara di atas dirujuk.
emm..too many things happened until i dont know where to start or wat to tell u about..
emm..somebody asked me (or should i say 'us'=noni,sue, and me)
"kowg n dok menari2, dok wat keje ntah pa pe n, mktb ada byr ke kat kowg??xde kan?!ape je yg kowg dpt selain letih, pas 2 kna marah2 ngn lcturers..bkn ny dpt duit pn.."
woo!!sgt menarik ayat piki la sendiri...u r a future teacher right??what kind of teacher that u will be??ask youself r 'dear'..
then again..our faces on stage again and again..
ulik mayang, then kurik kundi..
haa!!dedication..teacher's day hari tu we did a dedication business..we sold roses and candy..waa!!tiring but we really enjoyed it..personally, i enjoyed it so much because it is a 'weird' kind of feeling that u can feel inside when u see people r happy when u're delivering the roses and candies even to a person you didnt know..even that thing are not from you..huh~~ am i that crazy??hehehe..
then....GENTING TIME!!but b4 we're going there, some problems occured and bcoz of a 'mulut gatai' creating stories and suka memandai2, our vacation nearly failed..but thanks a million thanks to KABER, IZZAT, IKMAL, NONI, and SYUE who are very helpful and supportive to each other..i love u all..u r my backbones and spines..without u, i......dont know wat say lor..
we have a lot of fun there..release tension..unstressed ourselves..waa!!!
we have sooooo much fun till our voices are totally out because of sore throat..fever..thank God nobody got H1N1..scary..huhuhuu..
maybe i can upload the photos later ek..
next is school experience..which i am going through now..can say anything yet..mybe later i will tell the story after i finish it..please pray for me to be alive for this whole two weeks..
byk lg bnda nk cter..but im sleepy right now..
later la ek..
and for my dear..gud luck for ur pidato the best coz i know u can..
emm..too many things happened until i dont know where to start or wat to tell u about..
emm..somebody asked me (or should i say 'us'=noni,sue, and me)
"kowg n dok menari2, dok wat keje ntah pa pe n, mktb ada byr ke kat kowg??xde kan?!ape je yg kowg dpt selain letih, pas 2 kna marah2 ngn lcturers..bkn ny dpt duit pn.."
woo!!sgt menarik ayat piki la sendiri...u r a future teacher right??what kind of teacher that u will be??ask youself r 'dear'..
then again..our faces on stage again and again..
ulik mayang, then kurik kundi..
haa!!dedication..teacher's day hari tu we did a dedication business..we sold roses and candy..waa!!tiring but we really enjoyed it..personally, i enjoyed it so much because it is a 'weird' kind of feeling that u can feel inside when u see people r happy when u're delivering the roses and candies even to a person you didnt know..even that thing are not from you..huh~~ am i that crazy??hehehe..
then....GENTING TIME!!but b4 we're going there, some problems occured and bcoz of a 'mulut gatai' creating stories and suka memandai2, our vacation nearly failed..but thanks a million thanks to KABER, IZZAT, IKMAL, NONI, and SYUE who are very helpful and supportive to each other..i love u all..u r my backbones and spines..without u, i......dont know wat say lor..
we have a lot of fun there..release tension..unstressed ourselves..waa!!!
we have sooooo much fun till our voices are totally out because of sore throat..fever..thank God nobody got H1N1..scary..huhuhuu..
maybe i can upload the photos later ek..
next is school experience..which i am going through now..can say anything yet..mybe later i will tell the story after i finish it..please pray for me to be alive for this whole two weeks..
byk lg bnda nk cter..but im sleepy right now..
later la ek..
and for my dear..gud luck for ur pidato the best coz i know u can..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
father's day is coming..
21st's father's day dude??any plan to celebr8 it??emm..people always celebr8 mother's day,but how bout father's day??r u forgetting something??in ur blood n body, there have ur dad's gene..appreciate it dude..witout ur dad's chromosomes, u will not exist..people can spend too much money in celebrating valentine's day,but how bout father's day??n u r forgetting something here..u knew ur girlfriend/boyfriend for some months or years only,but ur dad..??u get to know him for the whole ur life since u born..
and dis post i fully dedicate it to my beloved abah, mr abd aziz b che yusof..who gave so much to me since i born and grow up till afaraid i love u abh..thanx u so much for everything that u did for the whole life of mine..
"..because you loved me i overcome
and im so proud what you've become
you've given me such security
no matter what mistakes i make you're there for me
you kill my disappointment and you heal my pain
you understood my fear and you protected me
treasure every irreplaceable memory and that's why.."
dis is a part of a song by beyonce entitled "daddy"..dis is wat i want to say to my abah..but im afraid i have no gut..
along syg abah..trma ksh utk smuany..tiada kata plg bsar yg along blh kata..maafkan along utk stiap kesalahan n dosa along pada abah selama mn along hidup,biar sebesar molekul pn..u r d best thing in my life..
and dis post i fully dedicate it to my beloved abah, mr abd aziz b che yusof..who gave so much to me since i born and grow up till afaraid i love u abh..thanx u so much for everything that u did for the whole life of mine..
"..because you loved me i overcome
and im so proud what you've become
you've given me such security
no matter what mistakes i make you're there for me
you kill my disappointment and you heal my pain
you understood my fear and you protected me
treasure every irreplaceable memory and that's why.."
dis is a part of a song by beyonce entitled "daddy"..dis is wat i want to say to my abah..but im afraid i have no gut..
along syg abah..trma ksh utk smuany..tiada kata plg bsar yg along blh kata..maafkan along utk stiap kesalahan n dosa along pada abah selama mn along hidup,biar sebesar molekul pn..u r d best thing in my life..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"why u r making so much fuss bout being fat and ur weight??" ~soalan cepu emas..
emm..girls r very worry bout their weight..n i m 1 of them..admit it..hehehe..n now my weight is!!reduce 2kg than b4..b4 dis, 58kg..can u imagine??huhuhu..i m FAT..hehehe..once again, admit it..i m an overweight person..
why i need to reduce my weight??
1. i dont want 2 b fat just like b4..
2. health problem..
3. i want to a normal girl with a normal weight
4. lighter means heavier with self-confidence
5. dont want to b called by names dat i ashamed n hate of..
when i was a form 4 student,my weight was around 80kg..could u imagine how fat i relatives were so shock with the drastic changes bcoz b4 dat my weight was only 45 to 48kg did i gain so much weight that time??let me share with u..
1. i stopped dancing
2. cadbury and van houtten was my daily side meal
3. i ate 2-4 plates of rice in my every meal
4. no offense, if u r outsider n lived in terengganu n kelantan, u can gain weight in a short period..their meals have too much santan( coconut milk) and sugar..but, it is delicious and marvellous u know..hehehe..
5. the best thing is, u eat then sleep..dont do other things..n during my time, i always skipped my riadah time which r compulsory for every mrsm student..n guess what, my only exercise was during the detention..once a week..saturday @ sunday..~~jln itik dr blok ke blok, ketuk ketampi, lari keliling mktab bwk bantal, cuci kolam ikan, basuh tandas lelaki, kutip kemuncup kat asrama dak lelaki, mop pejabat, kemas pejabat, jd roomkeeper kat chalet mrsm slma 2bln..n d list is too long to b listed here..hehehe..( teringat zmn dolu2)
then, how i reduced my weight to normal??emm..secret..hehehe..that time, i need 2 reduce my weight coz afraid of being obes..till now i still have the fear..but getting used with so much namecalling by people round me..pregnant woman, bulbasour,mok,itik,n wat so mouth say "xpe" and smiles all the way..but in my heart.....
have d 'keinginan' to reduce weight..but my lust to eat is too, if i can maintaining my weight is more than enough for long as i can eat wat i want..hehehe..even i cant get the ideal weight just like b4(45-48),just pray that i can achieve my target to reduce my weight to 50kg end of dis year..huhuhu..
emm..girls r very worry bout their weight..n i m 1 of them..admit it..hehehe..n now my weight is!!reduce 2kg than b4..b4 dis, 58kg..can u imagine??huhuhu..i m FAT..hehehe..once again, admit it..i m an overweight person..
why i need to reduce my weight??
1. i dont want 2 b fat just like b4..
2. health problem..
3. i want to a normal girl with a normal weight
4. lighter means heavier with self-confidence
5. dont want to b called by names dat i ashamed n hate of..
when i was a form 4 student,my weight was around 80kg..could u imagine how fat i relatives were so shock with the drastic changes bcoz b4 dat my weight was only 45 to 48kg did i gain so much weight that time??let me share with u..
1. i stopped dancing
2. cadbury and van houtten was my daily side meal
3. i ate 2-4 plates of rice in my every meal
4. no offense, if u r outsider n lived in terengganu n kelantan, u can gain weight in a short period..their meals have too much santan( coconut milk) and sugar..but, it is delicious and marvellous u know..hehehe..
5. the best thing is, u eat then sleep..dont do other things..n during my time, i always skipped my riadah time which r compulsory for every mrsm student..n guess what, my only exercise was during the detention..once a week..saturday @ sunday..~~jln itik dr blok ke blok, ketuk ketampi, lari keliling mktab bwk bantal, cuci kolam ikan, basuh tandas lelaki, kutip kemuncup kat asrama dak lelaki, mop pejabat, kemas pejabat, jd roomkeeper kat chalet mrsm slma 2bln..n d list is too long to b listed here..hehehe..( teringat zmn dolu2)
then, how i reduced my weight to normal??emm..secret..hehehe..that time, i need 2 reduce my weight coz afraid of being obes..till now i still have the fear..but getting used with so much namecalling by people round me..pregnant woman, bulbasour,mok,itik,n wat so mouth say "xpe" and smiles all the way..but in my heart.....
have d 'keinginan' to reduce weight..but my lust to eat is too, if i can maintaining my weight is more than enough for long as i can eat wat i want..hehehe..even i cant get the ideal weight just like b4(45-48),just pray that i can achieve my target to reduce my weight to 50kg end of dis year..huhuhu..
Monday, June 1, 2009
come back.. + my babies.. takes a long time for to start writing this post..n it took a long period for me to look and updating my blog..huhuhu..since may..
emm..too many things,stuff, and events happened..but now, IT IS HOLIDAY AGAIN..when comes to holiday, im home..yeaa!!!huh~~ -_- means no work except houseworkS..nothing can attract my attention except csi and my babies..let me introduce....
the most handsome carl zahin muzaffar
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the most talkative (even cant talk properly) nur iman thaqif luthfi
the prettiest khadijah umairah
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the naughtiest shahril amri
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the cutest shamil haris
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and my two notty sis
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so..these people who are brighten my days during my holiday..having them in a house, just like living in a kindergarten which full of excitement and of coz,they always make me feel tired..but the thing is their 'keletah' which can make me laugh a lot..kak icha love u a lot guys..mmmuah..
p/s : i miss mr mashmallow..huhuhu..
emm..too many things,stuff, and events happened..but now, IT IS HOLIDAY AGAIN..when comes to holiday, im home..yeaa!!!huh~~ -_- means no work except houseworkS..nothing can attract my attention except csi and my babies..let me introduce....
the most handsome carl zahin muzaffar
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the most talkative (even cant talk properly) nur iman thaqif luthfi

the prettiest khadijah umairah
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the naughtiest shahril amri
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the cutest shamil haris
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and my two notty sis
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so..these people who are brighten my days during my holiday..having them in a house, just like living in a kindergarten which full of excitement and of coz,they always make me feel tired..but the thing is their 'keletah' which can make me laugh a lot..kak icha love u a lot guys..mmmuah..
p/s : i miss mr mashmallow..huhuhu..
Friday, May 1, 2009
hari pekerja...
emm..blur..bored..huhuhu..almost 1 month i didnt menjenguk to my blog..n now,dont knw wat 2 say..
tapi...nk balik..homesick.. :'(
nsb baik ada pkwe ku d cn..hehehe.. >:)
tapi...nk balik..homesick.. :'(
nsb baik ada pkwe ku d cn..hehehe.. >:)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
dis is a sin...
huh..tensed!!! -_-
today's presentation was s***..hate to say it, but dat's it..aiiyo..mdm temperature, could u please..........
duhh..if i want to complete dat phrase to become a sentence, i dont think it will bcme a sentence, but sentences..wat i want to say here is, u r nonsense n no sense at all..neva think of other people's feelings..neva appreciate people's efforts..neva2x have d intention to understand ur students..u just think bout urself n wat do u think n feel,..or should i say dat d most appropriate word for u is EGOCENTRIC??sure u can understand d meaning of it r8??oowh..i forgot dat u r d BEST teacher ever n u r r8 all d time..n we should understand dat women around ur age have mood swing coz of d PMS..not menstrual, but d other word dat start wih M and end with S..would not state here coz it's a senctif issue r8 for women l8 u..huhuhu..sowy..duhh..
opps.. m i over d limit as a student??gosh..5weeks more to EXAM..sowy..but i just cant stand d stress dat u gave me from d first presentation..i also have my limit, u c..i m a human..
to PD n Bahijah, thank u very3 much guys..n million of apologies i beg 2 u 2 bcoz i was over d limit during d presentation..especially to PD..
to miss temperature, sowy coz i 'mgutuk' u here..if u can read dis, u can fail@penalise me r8??[opps..cabul mulut..hope dat u wont find dis till im dead..if not,i'll die bcoz of u..die la..die la..huhuhu]but just want u 2 know dat dis is wat ur students think..myb not all..some..including me..
today's presentation was s***..hate to say it, but dat's it..aiiyo..mdm temperature, could u please..........
duhh..if i want to complete dat phrase to become a sentence, i dont think it will bcme a sentence, but sentences..wat i want to say here is, u r nonsense n no sense at all..neva think of other people's feelings..neva appreciate people's efforts..neva2x have d intention to understand ur students..u just think bout urself n wat do u think n feel,..or should i say dat d most appropriate word for u is EGOCENTRIC??sure u can understand d meaning of it r8??oowh..i forgot dat u r d BEST teacher ever n u r r8 all d time..n we should understand dat women around ur age have mood swing coz of d PMS..not menstrual, but d other word dat start wih M and end with S..would not state here coz it's a senctif issue r8 for women l8 u..huhuhu..sowy..duhh..
opps.. m i over d limit as a student??gosh..5weeks more to EXAM..sowy..but i just cant stand d stress dat u gave me from d first presentation..i also have my limit, u c..i m a human..
to PD n Bahijah, thank u very3 much guys..n million of apologies i beg 2 u 2 bcoz i was over d limit during d presentation..especially to PD..
to miss temperature, sowy coz i 'mgutuk' u here..if u can read dis, u can fail@penalise me r8??[opps..cabul mulut..hope dat u wont find dis till im dead..if not,i'll die bcoz of u..die la..die la..huhuhu]but just want u 2 know dat dis is wat ur students think..myb not all..some..including me..
Saturday, March 21, 2009
hEpI bDaY~~
to: mr marshmallow
subject: hApPy bIrThDaY dEaR
hey u,
hepi bday..sowy sbb wish lmbt..sdey gak sbb pe pn, ikhlas dr hti..slmt hr jadi..nothing much to say here..just want to say thanks for the existence and for everything dat u've done..
subject: hApPy bIrThDaY dEaR
hey u,
hepi bday..sowy sbb wish lmbt..sdey gak sbb pe pn, ikhlas dr hti..slmt hr jadi..nothing much to say here..just want to say thanks for the existence and for everything dat u've done..
Friday, March 6, 2009
welcome MARCH
emm..the third month in a year..but dis month got so many things to do..huhuhu..sometimes i got really33x sowy to my lovely rumm8,noni, my 'buah hati',my friends especially syue, iewa, aza, kucing, and swan coz sometimes i 'ter'burst'' out my unstable emotions..and i would like to say sowy to my 'anak2 buah' in dancing team(all i assumed as my fwenz actually)..sometimes i cant control my anger when i get stressed..thanks to my 'buah hati' for ur understanding..thanks to my fwenz for sharing and hearing me..u all r d best..i will never forget all of u for the whole of my i would like to share my list for dis month on the major things to do:
1. human development- essay/ written report of 1800words
2. human development- oral presentation on d day b4 d holiday, 13th march 2009
3. linguistic- written report of 1500words
4. linguistic- oral presentation,after d holiday
5. philosophy- essay about NPE and KBSR,also 1500words
6. philosophy- oral presentation,already done last tuesday,3rd march
7. science- shoe box kit
8. science- oral presentation, next tuesday, 10th march
9. science- reflection and written report 1500words
10.linguistic- need to do some revision from all that we learnt from the 1st semester,preparation for the oral presentation
11.relay for life performance(a big headache for me)
12.resolve all the conflicts
huuuuhh..God, help me..i need to "penting kan yang lebih penting dari yang penting kerana yang lebih penting itu lebih penting"..or in other word,PRIORITY..and i need to be clever in 'memanfaatkan masa'..
dont let stress conquer u..get up and let all ur spirit and strenght burst to the max..u r strong..u can do it..FIGHTING!!and remember to control ur emotions..

Friday, February 27, 2009
huh!!life is sooooo hectic...a lot of assignment(S)..a lot of things to do..lots and lots of problems and conflicts..duhhh!!why should it come all in one period of time..sometimes it makes me feel tired with life..why should life become like this..can i have a break just for a while??but i know, if i take a break, it called as avoiding..somehow, later or sooner, i need to face it again, all the unsettled things..duhh!!!
God,please give me strenght..
nisya,please be strong..fighting!!!
huh!!life is sooooo hectic...a lot of assignment(S)..a lot of things to do..lots and lots of problems and conflicts..duhhh!!why should it come all in one period of time..sometimes it makes me feel tired with life..why should life become like this..can i have a break just for a while??but i know, if i take a break, it called as avoiding..somehow, later or sooner, i need to face it again, all the unsettled things..duhh!!!
God,please give me strenght..
nisya,please be strong..fighting!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
a new beginning of a new chapter..
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this is a new beginning for me..thanx to u, my mr marshmallow..thanx for ur existence in my life..hope that u can guide me to be the best for you..thanx for accepting me as i am..thanx a million thanx because you still want to give me your heart and love even you know that i am a bad girl..please guide me and correct me when i do are too kind and too good for are the greatest gift that i have in life..i really appreciate it..
p/s : thanx to my beloved and lovely roommate,noni..thanx noni..bcoz of u, we met and knowing each other.. :P
cuti-cuti malaysia part 3
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this time locatian is teluk godek beach resort at mersing, just like a family-day vacation..about 7 families, 6 cars, and around 30 people from my mom's side gathered..this kind of activity is just like an annual activity that we did together..
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this boy name is carl zahin muzaffar @ being called as carl bajang (dont know where's the 'bajang' came from)..he is handsome and cute baby boy just like 'anak mat salleh' according to my grandma..but, behind all the cuteness, he's afraid of water ( especially in a large of quantity) and he feels 'geli' to step on the sand without his shoes..
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these kids love to play around with anything that they can play..and today is your independence all the way that you want,kids..
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these four mak dara also having their independence day from their houseworks and children..but still keep calling and shouting "jgn g jauh2..","tgok adik","naik mkn!!!",etc...moms are always like that..caring in whatever,whenever situation..
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these are the models of the year for teluk godek beach resort in 'other' version of models..natural looks and inner beauty.."big is beautiful" is their favourite..huhuhu..and for your information, these anak daras age are around 15-16 only and still me if intrested in any of them..hehehe..from right : fatin (green), hidayah (maroon), nadiah (blue), and atiqah (red)..
pity me..tak dilayan ktka pggambaran dijalankan..huhuhu
Friday, January 23, 2009
am i fit enough to be a teacher??
there one thing dat some people afraid in their life..BEING ALONE..yesterday, i just found out how was the feeling when we feel lonely, it just like that u r the only person dat alive at a place,being left..there's no people around u, empty room, u can even hear the echos of ur slippers as u step around,have nowhere t go,no one to talk to,and.....u feel wonder people afraid of being alone..because loneliness will lead to emptiness..u will ponder and wonder everything dat happened@will happen in ur life..then, everything will seem wrong..this will lead to stress..and this kind of feelings also can make u do things out of ur normal mind..
sometimes, we just want to be ourselves without someone told us what should we do @ what shouldn't..i just want to be me..but some how, when i did what i want to do,( something bad for other people,maybe ) , at the moment i did it, i just want to do it..but after that, i will feel guilty and bad for myself..i m bad..m i??huhuhu..yeah,i know if i asked people around me,"m i a bad girl?", of coz they "no, u r not"..(or maybe only aza n kucing will said "yes u r!!!"..i know they r 'innocent' and 'honest'..just like kids )..but it just ca'nt convince me..i did a lot of bad things in my life and yes,i regret it..i want to change and be a good girl..but i just can't help myself when sometimes i was too stubborn to listen to other people's opinions and advice..just on dat time..then i will regret,"why i just can't follow what people say which is for my own good?"..for example, going out late at night..sometimes i just want to release out all the tensed that i have inside of me by wondering around at night..looking at people..gasping the night air is one of my own ways to release all the tension that i have..i know, it is dangerous for a girl and people always said that a girl who is hanging around late at night is a bad girl..but, sometimes i will said "can i have my own way of life??"...but the after day that, i will feel bad that i have done that bad thing and make people think that i m a bad girl..hey, wake up!!u r going to be a teacher,girl..u need to behave like a teacher, walk like a teacher,sit like a teacher,eat like a teacher,talk like a teacher,sleep like a teacher,and everything need to be like-a-teacher things..yaa..yaa..i am a future teacher..or suppose i say a teacher-wannabe??teacher can't be a bad girl who did bad things because a teacher suppose to an idol for other people..a teacher should be a nobel person and nearly perfect human being..ask urself,girl.."AM I QUALIFIED TO BE A TEACHER???"..qualified not only in academics, but also from each angles that u can sort out what should a teacher be/like..
sometimes, we just want to be ourselves without someone told us what should we do @ what shouldn't..i just want to be me..but some how, when i did what i want to do,( something bad for other people,maybe ) , at the moment i did it, i just want to do it..but after that, i will feel guilty and bad for myself..i m bad..m i??huhuhu..yeah,i know if i asked people around me,"m i a bad girl?", of coz they "no, u r not"..(or maybe only aza n kucing will said "yes u r!!!"..i know they r 'innocent' and 'honest'..just like kids )..but it just ca'nt convince me..i did a lot of bad things in my life and yes,i regret it..i want to change and be a good girl..but i just can't help myself when sometimes i was too stubborn to listen to other people's opinions and advice..just on dat time..then i will regret,"why i just can't follow what people say which is for my own good?"..for example, going out late at night..sometimes i just want to release out all the tensed that i have inside of me by wondering around at night..looking at people..gasping the night air is one of my own ways to release all the tension that i have..i know, it is dangerous for a girl and people always said that a girl who is hanging around late at night is a bad girl..but, sometimes i will said "can i have my own way of life??"...but the after day that, i will feel bad that i have done that bad thing and make people think that i m a bad girl..hey, wake up!!u r going to be a teacher,girl..u need to behave like a teacher, walk like a teacher,sit like a teacher,eat like a teacher,talk like a teacher,sleep like a teacher,and everything need to be like-a-teacher things..yaa..yaa..i am a future teacher..or suppose i say a teacher-wannabe??teacher can't be a bad girl who did bad things because a teacher suppose to an idol for other people..a teacher should be a nobel person and nearly perfect human being..ask urself,girl.."AM I QUALIFIED TO BE A TEACHER???"..qualified not only in academics, but also from each angles that u can sort out what should a teacher be/like..
Monday, January 12, 2009
is dis life??
story 1
on 2nd January 2009, i went to my mom's school to help her at KOPERASI SDAHA during d registration day form 1..i was in charge d registration for ex-student SK Bandar Pontian ( my primary school )..everything was ok..but around 1pm when we were ready to close the kaunter, there's a makcik came to me and said,"dik..akak nk beli brg keperluan asas je dulu..boleh x??" as usual i told her dat we already packaged all d needs for d students in one, including their formal sports attire, name tag, books, files, and headcount book ( or also called as buku penilaian markah ). but,this is her reply which touched me deep inside and made me realized something about life.."dik,akak bwk rm50 je utk daftar kan ank akak n..2 je la yg ayh dia bg sbb akak ada 8 owg lg bg sekolah..sowg dpt rm50 je" to pay rm 120.10 fee with rm50 only??i felt bad coz i cant help her..thank God the Koperasi have 'dana' to help those people like this..somehow, it make me think more bout life..i will never,never forget the situation..just like what my mom said,"u just found 1 today..later,when u bcome a teacher there will be more than u expect u will find n meet.." i wish i can help those people like this..but,d big question is,CAN I HELP THEM??HOW??
story 2
as i told before, my grandpa is ill and has been warded for 2-3 weeks..n i've been 'nursing' him almost of d time..opps!!at d 1st time i need 2 change his diapers, i was shivering..i just couldnt believe myself doing it..a lot n a lot of things i learnt from those moment..during dis time, chirldren r very important 2 b with their old parents..n a saying said dat parents can take care of 10 children but when they r getting older,10 children cant sure that they can take care of their parents..God,please dont let me b a child who 4get my parents when they need me to take care of them..
story 3
there's a fwen of mine, Hanz ( bukan nama sebenar ) is a boy,( or can i say a guy??)..a good looking guy..his parents went to perform their haj..he left with his sisters..but,he impressed me because i think he did his best..n i think it's not too much if i say dat he is a very responsible man..even he needed to go to pasar n bought some groceries just like a woman always do..he's willing to drop his ego to do all d houseworks bcoz he knew his responsibilities..Hanz, for me u r a real man, not only a good looking guy..but also a good boy (even sometimes u r naughty)..
i hope who ever read dis can get d message dat i want to say even im writing with a lot of grammatical errors..
on 2nd January 2009, i went to my mom's school to help her at KOPERASI SDAHA during d registration day form 1..i was in charge d registration for ex-student SK Bandar Pontian ( my primary school )..everything was ok..but around 1pm when we were ready to close the kaunter, there's a makcik came to me and said,"dik..akak nk beli brg keperluan asas je dulu..boleh x??" as usual i told her dat we already packaged all d needs for d students in one, including their formal sports attire, name tag, books, files, and headcount book ( or also called as buku penilaian markah ). but,this is her reply which touched me deep inside and made me realized something about life.."dik,akak bwk rm50 je utk daftar kan ank akak n..2 je la yg ayh dia bg sbb akak ada 8 owg lg bg sekolah..sowg dpt rm50 je" to pay rm 120.10 fee with rm50 only??i felt bad coz i cant help her..thank God the Koperasi have 'dana' to help those people like this..somehow, it make me think more bout life..i will never,never forget the situation..just like what my mom said,"u just found 1 today..later,when u bcome a teacher there will be more than u expect u will find n meet.." i wish i can help those people like this..but,d big question is,CAN I HELP THEM??HOW??
story 2
as i told before, my grandpa is ill and has been warded for 2-3 weeks..n i've been 'nursing' him almost of d time..opps!!at d 1st time i need 2 change his diapers, i was shivering..i just couldnt believe myself doing it..a lot n a lot of things i learnt from those moment..during dis time, chirldren r very important 2 b with their old parents..n a saying said dat parents can take care of 10 children but when they r getting older,10 children cant sure that they can take care of their parents..God,please dont let me b a child who 4get my parents when they need me to take care of them..
story 3
there's a fwen of mine, Hanz ( bukan nama sebenar ) is a boy,( or can i say a guy??)..a good looking guy..his parents went to perform their haj..he left with his sisters..but,he impressed me because i think he did his best..n i think it's not too much if i say dat he is a very responsible man..even he needed to go to pasar n bought some groceries just like a woman always do..he's willing to drop his ego to do all d houseworks bcoz he knew his responsibilities..Hanz, for me u r a real man, not only a good looking guy..but also a good boy (even sometimes u r naughty)..
i hope who ever read dis can get d message dat i want to say even im writing with a lot of grammatical errors..
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 we come..!!!
im glad to see all my friends are here to continue our degree..welcome back to all..hope we do more this year...
a million thanks to all d lecturers:
mr g, mdm rovena, mdm rock, mr teoh, mdm ong, miss loke, mdm lee, miss patricia, mr goh, mr chu, mr ratna, mdm maria, and all d other lecturers who gave us any single word of any lesson that we can use in our life,either directly or indirectly..
a warm welcome i bid to all my cohort mates including me,myself to dis our beloved ipp and hope we all together can proceed to the next stage in mcquarie..hope we can gain and grab everything as much as we can..
farid, ulwi, farhad, amir, chris, pd, hafiz, razeen, helmi, gjol, yus, afiq, faiz, rini, aisah, bahijah, shamas, ain, nuhan, akma, kak nad, kak jen, anis, atiq, syamim, maisyarah, farah, meen, asrin,zawa, zahida, qeela, yeen, masu, reen, alia, nana, aza, iewa, shuwoan, mira, noli, syu, mira, noni, nisya, khalijah, juraidah, myra, dya, mimi, tracy, wan xing, tian way, sarah, meithikda...
it's nearly 2 years now..there's too many other name dat we give each other..not to insult, just to be more close with each other...
aza - mental,gigi besi( ex-gigi besi now), kobis @ cabbage
mira tesl 2 - kucing
mira tesl 1 - rabbit
zawa - kodok
helmi - black sheep, angel
hafiz - fairy, kayu manis
pd - nenas
chris - cina mabok
zawa - kodok
anis - kechik, siput
amir - lipas
ain - koya
anisah - nise, sundae cone
farhad - baby
syu - doraemon
noni - chubby
asrin - a.b.c ( asrin budak chubby), butterfly, loudspeaker, she
rini - ayam
noli - penguin
gjol - dva malatoop, paparazzi
khalijah - khojah
juraidah - jurey
kak nad - senior citizen
razaini - kak jen, jenny
zahidah - cicak
alia - tapir, pinky
bahijah - bebeh
and me,nisya - bulbasaur @ bulb-ba-sour( or u can pronounce it as bulb-besar ) hahaha...
huhuhu..we have so much fun..but if ever anybody 'terasa' with me, i beg ur thousand apologies..forgive me please... :)
a million thanks to all d lecturers:
mr g, mdm rovena, mdm rock, mr teoh, mdm ong, miss loke, mdm lee, miss patricia, mr goh, mr chu, mr ratna, mdm maria, and all d other lecturers who gave us any single word of any lesson that we can use in our life,either directly or indirectly..
a warm welcome i bid to all my cohort mates including me,myself to dis our beloved ipp and hope we all together can proceed to the next stage in mcquarie..hope we can gain and grab everything as much as we can..
farid, ulwi, farhad, amir, chris, pd, hafiz, razeen, helmi, gjol, yus, afiq, faiz, rini, aisah, bahijah, shamas, ain, nuhan, akma, kak nad, kak jen, anis, atiq, syamim, maisyarah, farah, meen, asrin,zawa, zahida, qeela, yeen, masu, reen, alia, nana, aza, iewa, shuwoan, mira, noli, syu, mira, noni, nisya, khalijah, juraidah, myra, dya, mimi, tracy, wan xing, tian way, sarah, meithikda...
it's nearly 2 years now..there's too many other name dat we give each other..not to insult, just to be more close with each other...
aza - mental,gigi besi( ex-gigi besi now), kobis @ cabbage
mira tesl 2 - kucing
mira tesl 1 - rabbit
zawa - kodok
helmi - black sheep, angel
hafiz - fairy, kayu manis
pd - nenas
chris - cina mabok
zawa - kodok
anis - kechik, siput
amir - lipas
ain - koya
anisah - nise, sundae cone
farhad - baby
syu - doraemon
noni - chubby
asrin - a.b.c ( asrin budak chubby), butterfly, loudspeaker, she
rini - ayam
noli - penguin
gjol - dva malatoop, paparazzi
khalijah - khojah
juraidah - jurey
kak nad - senior citizen
razaini - kak jen, jenny
zahidah - cicak
alia - tapir, pinky
bahijah - bebeh
and me,nisya - bulbasaur @ bulb-ba-sour( or u can pronounce it as bulb-besar ) hahaha...
huhuhu..we have so much fun..but if ever anybody 'terasa' with me, i beg ur thousand apologies..forgive me please... :)
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